
Recotex is the technological partner of companies and groups oriented to the creation of machines and special equipment.

The characteristics of confidentiality of such achievements, allowing the customer to make use of their skills and experience on standard machines, in order to see realized groups and machines that enable the achievement of a sustainable competitive advantage over time.

Some examples:
  • Waste sector:
    • Composting plants and recovery
    • Reclamation plants of industrial salts
  • Technical fibers:
    • Plant for the production of unidirectional fabrics
    • Impregnation lines (carbon, kevlar, aramid, glass fibers, ceramic fibers, etc ...)
    • Accessories for weaving and fiber processing techniques
  • Waddings abrasive
  • Non-woven fabrics
  • Industrial automation



Recotex S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica, 72
36043 Camisano Vicentino (VI)
Tel. +39 0444 411619
Fax +39 0444 412454
P.IVA 02957470244 - REA 287856
C.F. 02622030282

Private Area